The Highest Yoga
Path of Spiritual Heart

Spiritual Practices:


Development of the Chakras. Dantyans

In the mean time, we may practice filling and “inflating” the chakras with an image of pure shining and sparkling white light, which we may “blow” into each chakra from an imaginary hose that comes from a powerful pump.

Images that we create in the subtle eons become a reality in them. Not only can we cleanse our energy structures with the help of these images but also heal other people by eliminating black areas of diseases and even by performing “surgeries” using images of various surgical instruments.

Starting from this stage of work, one can become a good healer. Healing is one of the ways we can give our love to people. This is why the Holy Spirit is always happy to help us when we heal, especially if we ask Him for it!

If we possess the skills of communication with the Holy Spirit, then during a healing session He may flow through our chakras if we ask Him. This facilitates development of the chakras and makes them more refined (see details about healing in [7]).

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Now let us learn another exercise with the tetrahedron:

1. Rotate an image of the tetrahedron behind each chakra as a dentist’s drill.

2. Then insert it into the chakra like in a cavity of a decayed tooth. Dirt flies out in all directions; wash it down with an image of a shower.

3. Increase the size of the imaginary tetrahedron; this allows enlarging the chakra.

4. Upon working all the chakras through, take a “shower” and perform shavasana.

… The next technique of the development of the chakras is the following: get inside each chakra, one at a time, starting with anahata and feel the whole of oneself there like in a cave filled with light. Then by pressing against each wall of the chakra with the hands push them away to infinity…

And here is one more wonderful exercise: we imagine ourselves a powerful light bulb as big as the body, which is turned on; the bulb’s filament is in anahata. And then illuminate the surrounding space with the light from anahata.

In the future, we may move the filament from anahata into each of the remaining chakras and “burn” the arms, the legs, and all those parts of the body where any ailments are present. In this manner we get coarse energies “burned away” from the body; we cleanse, lighten, and heal ourselves, accustoming ourselves to being one with this light. For “God is Light, and in Him there is no darkness at all” (1 John, 1:5). In this way — gradually — we begin getting closer to the state of God.

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The developed chakras can be combined into functional groups, called dantians in Chinese. The upper dantian is made up of the three upper chakras; the middle dantian is represented by anahata; and the lower one — by the three lower chakras.

Out of the three, the most important is the middle dantian, since it is by employing this structure that we can transform ourselves into Love and to infuse into God. The other two play auxiliary roles. The upper dantian helps to develop the middle one with its intellectual and esthetic appraisal functions. And the lower one, being the main power center of the organism, provides energy for this process.

All dantians (as well as all chakras) have to be developed harmoniously, although the middle one must always be given priority over the other two during the training. In the face of God, the main function of the organism is love. But love cannot become full-fledged unless it is supported intellectually, ethically, and energetically. This is why one has to pay attention to the development of each of these functions, while always remembering about the necessity to strictly adhere to the policy of constantly increasing the level of the subtlety of the consciousness: setbacks to coarse states of the consciousness would constitute a crash of all efforts and a halt in the development at best, and even a complete failure at worst.

The correct development of the lower dantian (also denoted by the term hara) can be achieved optimally by practicing special meditative techniques at special places of power. One of the secrets here is reviving the functions of the “embryonal” meridians, which are used to connect the energy systems of the fetus and the mother together. It is upon this “revival” that hara starts functioning as a whole, as a united power-center.

Vladimir Antonov, Ph.D. (in biology)
(chapter from the book Ecopsychology)

Translated from Russian
by Mikhail Nikolenko

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